Thursday, October 22, 2009

Review- The Hills Run Red

The thing about "The Hills Run Red" is that it manages to take the tired theme of a hulking, silent killer and provide a much needed twist of originality to it. Not to mention it leaves viewers with a breath of fresh air in the snuff film department. With a systematic structure of the solving of a mystery, it moves with a stoic pace through the stages of collecting evidence/witnesses and leads through the ultimate confrontation with the mystery itself.

The production value of the film is quite solid for a non-theater release, and the effects were appropriately sanguine. With a baby-mask-wearing killer that moves at the slug pace of Leatherface, the first reaction I had was that the themes and story of this movie would be pretty cut and dry overdone. Not so, though actually. It's methods of death and twist on the snuff film genre develop a feast for rehashing older ideas into new exciting ones.

That twist comes i the form of the snuff film in question. Rather than this movie being a snuff film in its own right, it follows an itinerary of films in the mystery genre The search for the snuff movie is the boon of the protagonist, and in writing the movie in this fashion, the film provides a breath of life into an overused genre, and while it isn't entirely without flaw, HRR provides a nice diversion from the typical slasher film and offers what could pave the way for future works in the genre.

I give it : 3/5


Friday, October 16, 2009

Zombie's Top 10 Horror Films

So here's a list of my ten favorite horror movies to give an idea of how my mind works when I go through and review new ones. These decisions were tough, so it may not be 100% accurate, but it's definitely a decent representation. Here goes:

1. Night of the Living Dead (The original of course.)
2. Martyrs (Great French film about a torture syndicate.)
3. Suspiria (Dancing and witches! An Argento classic.)
4. House of 1000 Corpses (Delightfully fucked-up-can I say that here?)
5. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (The original with its pioneering work in disturbing content.)
6. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Remake. Creepier than the first, the sheriff especially.)
7. The Shining (Kubrick's with Jack Nicholson. This is the only version that exists to me.)
8. 28 Days Later (A fresh take on zombies with some amazing infection methods.)
9. The Thing (This movie breathes notes of survival and psychological distress into the genre.)
10. Profondo Rosso (Another Argento classic, filled with suspenseful, chilling atmosphere.)

There were a few that possibly could have been on the list; those that were tied or narrowly missed it, or that I simply haven't felt like watching recently, but that still continue to amaze me. These are as follows:

-28 Weeks Later (It's interesting to see what happens long-term after a zombie apocalypse.)
-Trick 'r Treat (Great film with an interlacing Halloween story.)
-Diary of the Dead (Amish baddass-ery and LOTS of zombies.)

There are other great films that I don't have the time or space to mention, but after Pineapple posts her top 10, the reviews will begin!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello All!

So after watching something around 26 horror movies in the past month alone, Zombie and I (Pineapple) decided we should start a blog, mostly so we can keep track of what we have watched but also in case anyone else out there was interested in the opinions of two zombie/horror obsessed folks like us.
This will primarily be a blog devoted to horror movies be the old, new, good, bad, serious, campy, etc.
Also any general zombie or pineapple themed happenings fall in our realm of interest as well as the occasional video game, non-horror movie, book, etc.
We also like puppies, snakes, wine, food, music (especially the loud screaming kind, well Zombie does, I tolerate it), religion/mythology, sexy stuff and reading.
Stay tuned for more!